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محمد سعيد بن مخاشن 06-08-2014 05:03 PM

موضوع الساعة: الإختفاء المفزع للطائرة الماليزية MH370

ننقل لكم أحدث مقالة عن الإختفاء المفزع وغير المنطقي للطائرة الماليزية التي كانت تقوم بالرحلة رقم MH370 يوم 8 مارس 2014 م بين كوالا لمبور وبيكين وعلى متنها 239 راكبا وملاحا. ينعت أختفاؤها بأنه مفزع وغير منطقي وذلك لأسباب عدة لا داعي لذكرها هنا ومعظمها أسباب فنية ( تكنولوجية ) لا يجدر معها إختفاء الطائرة دون ترك أدلّة على مكان تحطمها إن كانت تحطّمت أو مكان إختطافها إن كانت أختطفت.

Flight MH370: Relatives to offer £3 million for 'whistleblower' who solves mystery of missing jet

Jun 08, 2014 10:00
By Jessica Best

Family members of those on board say they believe there has been a cover up, and will pay cash to anyone who reveals the real fate of the passenger plane

Family members of the passengers on board Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 have launched a campaign to raise £3 million, which will be offered as a reward to any "whistleblower" that leads them to the plane.

The passenger jet disappeared three months ago today during a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, with 239 passengers and crew on board.

A huge international effort has failed to find any trace of the aircraft, despite extensive air and sea surface searches, and the use of unmanned drones to scour the Indian Ocean seabed - where Malaysian authorities believed the plane could have crashed.

But many of the passengers' relatives think there has been a cover up over the real fate of the plane, and have told Sky News they now want to raise a £3 million reward in the hope of convincing someone to reveal the truth.

Sarah Bajc, whose partner Philip Wood was on MH370, told the broadcaster: "I'm certain there's been a cover-up.

"I'm not sure who is doing it or why they're doing it, whether it was an intentional act that's being obscured or whether there was a genuine bad thing that happened and people are trying not to let that come to life.

"But we honestly believe that somewhere there is a person who knows something that will allow us to find the plane and find our loved ones."

The cash will be raised through donations, with some of it going into private investigations into any new theories about the plane's disappearance.

Last month, those in charge of the search admitted that the missing plane was not in the Indian Ocean search area where acoustic "ping" signals were heard, with Australia's transport authority saying that search zone had now been "discounted as the final resting place of MH370”.

Then last week it was revealed underwater listening devices picked up a "dull oomph" 10 minutes after the jet lost radio contact on March 8, which could have been the plane crashing into the sea.

If this was the case, search crews have been looking in the wrong area.

With conspiracy theories continuing to circulate , no wreckage from the plane has ever been found.

عندليب آسيا 07-17-2014 05:40 AM

حتى المتابعة وراها اختفت

العنــ أسرار ـــــاد 07-18-2014 05:14 PM

بعد اختفاء الاولى
بالامس اسقطت الثانية

يبدولي ان هناك عدوان على الخطوط الماليزية
كل هذا قهر وضيم لان ماليزيا بلد اسلامي تطور سريعا

M7md Maarek 07-18-2018 05:12 AM

تابع منشوراتي لمعرفة كيف تربح المال من الانترنت

الساعة الآن 07:49 AM.

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