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الدرس السابع للإستاذ: مبارك سعيد بن مخاشن

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قديم 12-24-2010, 07:43 AM   #1
مبارك بوشندل
شاعر السقيفة
الصورة الرمزية مبارك بوشندل

افتراضي الدرس السابع للإستاذ: مبارك سعيد بن مخاشن

الزمن المضارع المستمر
It is used to express actions that are continuing or going on.
يستعمل للتعبير عن أحداث مستمرة أثناء الكلام.

القاعدة في حالة الإثبات THE RULE: positive
1) I+ am +verb + ing…………………………….;
2) We, they, you + are +verb +ing……………...;
3) He, she, it +is+ verb +ing ………………….,e.g.:
1. I am reading now.
2. We are standing at this moment.
3. The workers are working at the present time.
الكلمات الدالة على هذا الزمن :Words indicate this tense
Now, at this moment, at the present time, look etc.

القاعدة في حالة ألاستفهام THE RULE:
Am +I+ verb+ ing……………………………………
Are + we, they, you + verb+ ing……………………..
Is + he, she, it + verb+ ing……………………….e.g.;
1. Am I reading now ?
2. Are we standing at this moment?
3. Are the workers working at the present time?
القاعدة في حالة النفي THE RULE: negative
1) I +am +not +verb + ing…………………………….
2) We, they, you +are+ not +verb + ing……………………
3) He, she, it +is +not + verb + ing ………………….,e.g.:

1. I am not reading now.
2. We are not standing at this moment.
3. The workers are not working at the present time.

الزمن الماضي المستمر
It is used to show that an action was going on when an other action interrupted it in the past.
يستعمل للتعبير عن حدث كان مستمراً وقطعه حدث آخر في الماضي.
القاعدة في حالة الإثبات The rule in the positive
1) I, he, she, it + was +verb +ing
2) we, they, you + were + verb +ing , e.g.:
1) while we were listening to the lesson, the bell rang.
2) the bell rang while we were listening to the lesson.
3) The boy was running, when he hit an old man.
لاحظ أن في الجملة زمنين الماضي المستمر وهو الذي حصل اولاً, والماضي البسيط وهو الذي حصل بعده.
القاعدة في حالة ألاستفهام THE RULE:
Were or was + subject + verb +ing, e.g.:
1) Was the boy running, when he crashed an old man?
2) Were we listening to the lesson when the bell rang?

القاعدة في حالة النفي THE RULE:
subject +were or was + verb +ing, e.g.:
1) The boy was not running, when he crashed an old man?
2) We were not listening to the lesson when the bell rang?
While and as تعنيان بينما وتستخدمان فقط مع الماضي المستمر وهي كلمات دالة عليه. بينما when تستخدم فقط مع الماضي البسيط.

Exercise ضع الأفعال التي بين الأقواس في الزمن الصحيح
1) Listen to the man he ( to speak) to you.
2) Salem( to fall down) while he (to walk).
3) We (to learn) Arabic now.
4) When the teacher (to come) the pupils (to play).

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